Cloud and Sugar
My Two Lil Abyssinian Guinea Pigs

I adopted Cloud and Sugar on September 18, 2004 from a Guinea Pig Rescue Shelter. I saw their profile on the Rescue's web site and had to adopt them. They are Mother and Daughter so they had to be adopted together. I couldn't split them up so I said okay I will take them both. They were so small when I got them. They had only been at the Rescue 2 weeks before I adopted them out. Cloud who is the Mother was 7 months and her Daughter Sugar was 5 weeks old. So tiny and cute the both of them. Before they came to the Rescue they did not have a good life. When I got them they were shy and scared of people and did not want to be cuddled and handled. They ran away when I tried to hold them and I felt so bad and I felt like they didn't like me at all.  But after some time and alot of patience they started getting used to me.

Here are their pictures when I adopted them. Notice how small they were.

5 weeks old
274 grams

Names: Cloud Anne (Mother) and Sugar Louise (Daughter)

Date Of Birth: Cloud- February 25, 2004
Sugar- August 4, 2004

Came From: Guinea Pig Rescue in Taylor, MI

Breeds: Abyssinian

Color: White

Gender: Females

Siblings: Unknown

Friends that live with us: Mommy Theresa and Grandma Mom Judy

Owner: Theresa Anne

Weights: 2 1/2 and 2 lbs

Favorite Foods: Romaine Lettuce, Red Peppers, Cucumber, Apple, Orange, Parsley, Carrots and Watermelon.

Favorite Sports to Watch- Baseball (The Boston Red Sox) College Football (Notre Dame Fighting Irish), NHL Hockey (Detroit Red Wings).

Favorite TV Shows- Ghost Hunters, Destination Truth, Unbeatable Banzuke, Susuke (Ninja Warrior) Red Wing Hockey, Old Movies on TMC, Animal Planet and British Comedies.

August 4, 2007
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Theresa
Photo taken by Naarah
Photo taken by Naarah
Photo taken by DRGPR
Photo taken by DRGPR
7 months old
697 grams

Cloud on the left 2 years 8 months.
Sugar on the right 2 years 2 months.